Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What is Reiki?

Reiki is pronounced “ray-key”. The word “Reiki” is made up of two separate kanji, “Rei”, which means universal and “Ki” which is spirit, energy or life force. The most common definition of Reiki is therefore “universal life energy”. Some say it is the life force energy that animates all life. The two kanji together can also mean “enlightenment”. They represent the universal spirit coming together with our own.

Reiki is a simple to use, natural healing system. We use our hands to direct the energy by placing our hands on or near the recipient.

Reiki appears to be related to some Chinese medicine, Chi Gong and other holistic medicine practices, and seems to be a fusion of spiritual healing and some traditional Asian medical, spiritual and health practices. The hand placements correspond to some of those points used in Acupuncture and other practices, but no needles, pressure or massage is used.

Reiki flows through the practitioner but is not generated by them and does not deplete their own energy supplies. It is simple to use and this simplicity makes is available to everyone, in all places and for a variety of reasons.

An underlying principle of Reiki is that it can do no harm and cannot be used for any harmful purpose. If it is misused, then the energy cannot be called Reiki. Misdirected energy will eventually be reflected through the universal laws of Karma.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hi :o)

My name's Carly and I'm a fully qualified Reiki and Seichem Master. I was introduced to Reiki in April 2005 when a friend of mine gave me a treatment, and suggested I should take my level 1 attunements.

I booked in for my Reiki level 1 and 2 pretty much straight away, and took the weekend course in September 2005. I then went on to do my Reiki and Seichem Mastership in January 2006 and can honestly say it's had a huge impact on my life, changing it for the better.

As well as giving Reiki/Seichem treatments in London I also teach and attune others, so if you are interested in either of these then I would love to hear from you.